
Floating weightlessly is very relaxing, and made me think about the wonderful life around me. It fuels Inspiration in an almost religious way.


I live very close to the open sea, and continue to be astounded about the shape of the clouds and the colors, moods nature can produce.


Landscapes have fascinated me from a very young age while being on holidays through Europe with my family. It still is my favorite subject.


An interesting challenge for someone who does not like people (crowds). I like many persons though 🙂


Many of these photos were taken from a safari bus that did not always stop at the most photogenic spots. Still a thrilling adventure though.


This area has (unexpectedly) been more challenging. I had to adapt to customer expectations and be creative within that restraint.


Floating weightlessly is very relaxing, and made me think about the wonderful life around me. It fuels Inspiration in an almost religious way.


Many of these photos were taken from a safari bus that did not always stop at the most photogenic spots. Still a thrilling adventure though.


An interesting challenge for someone who does not like people (crowds). I like many persons though 🙂


Landscapes have fascinated me from a very young age while being on holidays through Europe with my family. It still is my favorite subject.


I live very close to the open sea, and continue to be astounded about the shape of the clouds and the colors, moods nature can produce.


This area has (unexpectedly) been more challenging. I had to adapt to customer expectations and be creative within that restraint.


Floating weightlessly is very relaxing, and made me think about the wonderful life around me. It fuels Inspiration in an almost religious way.


Landscapes have fascinated me from a very young age while being on holidays through Europe with my family. It still is my favorite subject.


Many of these photos were taken from a safari bus that did not always stop at the most photogenic spots. Still a thrilling adventure though.


I live very close to the open sea, and continue to be astounded about the shape of the clouds and the colors, moods nature can produce.


An interesting challenge for someone who does not like people (crowds). I like many persons though 🙂


This area has (unexpectedly) been more challenging. I had to adapt to customer expectations and be creative within that restraint.